Ben Vegas
Raised in the natural surroundings of Palolo Valley in Honolulu, Ben found his true calling during his sophomore year in high school when he began playing music. When he graduated he moved to the mainland for ten years to pursue a career in the music industry. He resided in Dallas and California but performed all over the continental U.S. and internationally. It was there that he had the opportunity to work with many of today’s top recording artists.
Ben returned to the islands in 1982 and functioned in the music industry in many different capacities. Among the groups he’s performed with are the Krush and 5:05 with whom Ben garnered three #1 hits.
In my life as well as in my music, I have always believed that you can’t build success on a weak foundation. Ultimately, no degree of finesse can disguise or make up for the use of sub-par instrumentation.
It is because of this that I choose only the very best instruments, and when it comes to ukuleles I choose Kanile’a. The wide selection of high quality woods, excellent craftsmanship and amount of care that is put in to each ukulele is what makes this product second to none.
I’ve been a professional musician for over 35 years and in my experience no ukulele has been easier to play or has provided me with better tone quality than a Kanile’a Ukulele.
And speaking of tone, at no other time is tone more important than when I’m in the recording studio. When you record, every nuance is of the utmost importance and I want to be sure that I have an instrument that gets the job done.
With my music, just as in my life, I refuse to compromise when it comes to quality. It is for this reason that my ukulele is a Kanile’a.
-Ben Vegas
Ben Vegas teaches `ukulele and guitar, beginner to advanced. To inquire about lessons, please email vegasb001@gmail.com