Krew Korner: Nainoa Gibson, Director of Sales & Marketing

Nainoa walked into Kanile`a `Ukulele looking for better instruments for his students to play in his hometown of Kailua. Not only did he find them in the Islander by Kanile`a line, as well as a Kanile`a 2016 Platinum Limited Edition for himself, he found a new place to call home.
As Director of Sales & Marketing, Nainoa facilitates the goals and vision of Kanile`a `Ukulele, sharing this instrument of aloha with the world. He leads an exciting team with his boundless energy and “get it done” attitude. And while he has sights on continuous expansion globally, it is Nainoa’s attention to an individual’s needs that is the key to his success. He finds joy in helping a customer find a deep, personal connection with his or her instrument. “My love for the `ukulele is one that I share with others in hopes that they, in turn, will pass on that same love.”
Speaking specifically of Kanile`a, Nainoa had this to say, “I feel so honored to be associated with greatness. Kanile`a stands as a light on a hill, shining its aloha upon all. Joe and Kristen have worked very hard to earn this reputation through integrity, reliability and by creating a world class `ukulele I am proud to play. Now, it’s my responsibility as an employee to keep up that good name and share it with the world.”
An avid player who continues to teach in his free time, Nainoa also enjoys spending quality time with his wife and children through family fun weekends and daily jujitsu workouts.
When you’re on the hunt for the perfect `ukulele, give Nainoa a call at (808) 234-2868. He and his incredible team can help you find the model or design the Kanile`a `ukulele that is just right for you!