JonTom's (a.k.a. Luca Tomassini’s) musical path began right after studying the piano, orchestration and music production. He jumped with his `ukulele on international stages under the artist name of
JonTom (USA Tour 2010, Melbourne Ukulele Festival and AUS Tour 2010, 41st Ukulele Festival Hawai’i, Crown Guitarfest Tennessee 2013). At the same time he released the first edition of his best-selling `ukulele method “No Panic” in Italian language.
Since 2010, he’s been the man behind, the lead `ukulele website in Italy and is responsible for training and educating thousands of people so far. He just loves “Kenny”, his Kanile’a K-3 Tenor, and whenever the times, comes he keeps using it over his productions for television and other international clients.
Right now his music is featured on many episode series, TV commercials and other multimedia projects. He literally strives to produce music everyday in any genre you can think about!
K-3 Tenor